Have you ever gone on a prayer walk in the rain? That’s what I did when the Mission Team from Ingleside, Macon, GA (serving at Gentilly Baptist Church Summer Camp, New Orleans) invited me to join them for a prayer walk on Friday in the 9th ward. However, the prayer walk turned into prayer drive due to rain!I wondered if I should even take time to go… but I’m glad I did!
We planned to meet at the Baptist clinic in the 9th Ward but when I arrived I didn’t see the church bus and wasn’t sure what I should do. Then I realized I could start by praying for the clinic! Eventually, I spotted the bus on a nearby street, so I made my way over and I drove behind them. As I prayed, I saw four girls walking toward my car; I got my Gospel bracelets and tracts out and briefly shared with the girls. As the rain picked up, they hurried along and I continued to follow behind the bus while praying. When I turned a corner the rain poured! I looked to my left guess what I saw? Underneath the eave of a house, the four girls huddled to get out of the rain. I honked and waved and continued to drive when I felt conviction to turn back and offer to let them sit in my car out of the rain.

I distribute these packets everywhere – a wonderful simple tool to share Christ with children. You can purchase tracts from CEFPress.com and learn how to make the bracelets by going to my “beads” page.
Now what should I do with these four girls in my car? I had a ‘conversation ball’ a girl from Ingleside Baptist Church gave me (see picture). We tossed the ball around and enjoyed sharing about ourselves. Then they got interested in the Gospel bracelet I gave them earlier. They even used their Smart-Phone to view the Wordless Book Gospel video on-line. Finally, they signed up for the Truth Chaser club with the card on the tracts I gave them. We had an awesome Bible class right in the car and learned how kids interact with my Gospel packets I distribute everywhere!
So, I didn’t know why the Lord wanted me to go on a prayer walk in the rain but God knew! I don’t think the mission team ever knew I was behind them… but God answered their prayers!
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