Phil and I recently taught Child Evangelism Fellowship’s® (CEF) 30 hour seminar, Teaching Children Effectively® course in the Greater New Orleans area. We love to teach this class because we can mentor new or growing teachers from our over 30 years experience in children’s ministry. A recent graduate text me a testimony from the Good News Club® (GNC®) she taught after completing the course:
“Mrs. Debbie, you and Mr. Phil are such a blessing to me and my kids’ lives. Thursday, I taught the entire GNC –from how to pray, to the memory verse, to The Paralyzed Man Bible story. It was such an amazing experience for me! There were twelve kids and I was able to give out the CEF’s Truth Chasers brochures with a promised reward for returning them. We used the song with the motions, When I’m Feel Sad, which Mr. Phil taught. They really enjoyed it! Two kids (brother and sister) were feeling sick and one of the older kids, I think she was 14 years-old, prayed for them as we all held hands around them. She said, “God please help these “chiren” feel better so that they can join us in the club,” then she questioned, “I don’t know what to say?” My mom encouraged, “Just keep talking to God like you talk to a friend.” She ended her prayer, “In Jesus name.” Before the class ended I was happy to see the brother she prayed for coloring his activity sheet!
One ‘lil boy clapped and praised God after I exclaimed, “Jesus healed the paralyzed man!” and before I gave the invitation. We gave him a Wonder Devotional book because he seemed like a child that didn’t know God. We played a review game with the kids, there were five big kids and the rest small. For the game, I had a 24-pack egg carton with a wadded-up piece of paper inside. I marked inside point values of 100, 200, and 300 rows. They would shake the egg carton and where ever the wadded-up paper landed, they would earn the points marked. The children were so excited to answer the seven questions I combined about the memory verse, Word-Up, praying, and Bible story. It felt so great to see the kids excitedly trying to answer the questions. It was a tie at first then, with the last two questions, the big kids won! My son participated in the games and memory verse song happily. That made me smile.
Mom and I asked Zinga, the center director, how they get the kids to come to the center and if they possibly could pass out some more flyers to get more kids. The idea came because we see so many kids outside doing nothing. I truly enjoyed myself though! I love the GNC, I truly do, I thank God for this opportunity.”
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