Preschool Facebook Live Chapel Service

Due to Gethsemane Lutheran Preschool’s unexpected closure due to COVID-19, we offered to provide a Facebook Live Chapel service at the time we normally meet. To our surprise, the preschoolers loved it and some children watched several times. Our last count, the video had 167 views. Perhaps you know a preschool child who would enjoying the video too.

Episode 1: Preschool Favorite Songs from CEF Press Little Kids Can Know God CD & John 20:21

These two songs are preschool favorites and they love singing them with Mr. Phil, enjoy. They are from the CEFpress CD Little Kids Can Know God, our go-to preschool music. This CD helps you teach Christian theology on a preschool level!

Episode 2 A: Songs: CEFPress music God Made the Mountains & God Made Me

Episode 2 B, Bible-man reviews John 20:21 and children learn a tune for John 20:21

Episode 2 B: Bible-man helps children learn John 20:21 and Smiths teach a tune for the scripture too. Enjoy!

Episode 2 C is the Gospel Fuzzies Singing their own songs, Goldie sings, Heaven is a Happy Place; Sinful Saul and Scarlett sing Nothing but the Blood of Jesus; Clean Clyde sings Come Into My Heart, and Timothy sings Read Your Bible and Pray Everyday.

Episode 2 C: The Gospel Fuzzies sing their solos

Episode 3: This is our Palm Sunday Lesson, one of our favorites to teach. We used the visuals from the CEF Press, Little Kids Can Know God through the Savior, Enjoy!

Episode 3: A favorite lesson to teach, Hosanna to the King!

Episode 4: We used the Gospel Chickens, a handcraft made by our dear friends, Boogie and Lena Melerine, to teach the Biblical Easter Story. Learn two great songs, Jesus is Alive and Well and the Trinity Song from the CEFPress Little Kids Can Know God CD.

Episode 4: Meet the Gospel Chickens, we use this object lesson at Easter, enjoy!

Episode 5 we introduce Quackers, we made these silly puppets from towels when we attended Children’s Ministry Institute years ago, they were both suppose to be lions but Phil’s looked more like a duck and mine like a bird but I turned mine into Bibleman. The kids like to laugh at him. Here they sing a classic preschool song, O Be Careful Little Hands, The CD is CEF Press music (out of publication) Growing Songs 2, the songbook is still available, click here for songbook.

Episode 5: Bible-man & Quackers sing, “O Be Careful Little Eyes”

Episode 6: Our final preschool chapel for 2019/2020 during the quarantine. So did we improve over time? Here the Children of the Word make their appearance and help us sing Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World, enjoy!

Episode 6: CEF Press Little Kids Can Know God song, I Believe the Bible, how to teach Hebrews 13: 5 & 6, Meet the Children of the World and learn a Swahili Song & Spanish Song!
Clean Clara Sings Her Song!

I created this video for a simple tool for counseling a child for salvation. Since preschool children are so literal, I changed the words “into my heart” to “into my life” and emphasized that it’s God’s Holy Spirit that comes into our lives. Some preschool children will think they have a literal Jesus in their heart, if we use the word “heart”.

About Debbie

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