Thanks to the Lord, who made this event become a reality in 3 days time! Reminding us that miracles still happen in 3 days time and the amazing miracle of Christ rising from the day on the 3rd day! “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15

Download these Easter Eggs below for your own Easter Egg Event, you can cut them out and place in plastic eggs or just hide them around the house without the eggs! Either way, you will have fun looking for eggs and learning the true Easter Story.
These cards will help children realize that God is faithful and keeps His promises. This will help a child learn to trust God’s promises in his/her life (and parents too).
Special Thanks to:
Michael and Susan Watkins and their love and care for the children of New Orleans during the outbreak of COVID-19 Easter of 2020. (This grew from an alternative Children’s Easter Event.)
CEF Press & Child Evangelism Fellowship
Delacroix Hope Baptist Church & First Baptist Church of Chalmette and their members
Dr. Paul Hussey (going the extra mile for the little ones)
Trudy Albarado, Howard and Cyndy Jones, Liz McNab (bundling the bracelets)
Joe & Patti McDonalds bringing the Gospel Trailer
Lena Melerine (her help painting the visuals)
Turpin & Alfie Owens (their help making the Gospel bracelets)
All our donors and supporting churches
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