I knew I needed to get creative for Wednesday Night Church, all three age groups would join my class! I’m talking about distracted inner-city kids! Plus, I wanted to share the Easter Story with them, I knew most would not show up on Sunday morning.
I decided to use the Jesus Film for Children. I would show only the last 30 minutes (due to time factors and short attention spans) and I would pause the film to explain and answer questions. (From past experience, I knew my kids just wouldn’t remember details if I didn’t discuss the film in process.)
To my surprise, one of my most distracted boys, Felipe´, began the evening by asking, “What’s the meaning of Easter?” He asked more than once and questioned, “Can you tell me the meaning and will you write it down?” I said, “I’m glad you asked, my lesson tonight will answer your question!”
As the children viewed the film, they could not believe how Jesus suffered. Little Acara expressed continually, “They did that to Jesus?” Felipe´wanted to know why Jesus didn’t fight back. The film gave us a wonderful platform with the children to explain how Christ willingly died for the punishment for our sin. At the end, when he appeared risen from the dead, they applauded!
I only had 30 minutes so as soon as the film ended, the children needed to leave, on the way out Felipe´asked, “Did you write down the meaning of Easter?” I wrote down in large letters, “The Meaning of Easter is Jesus is Alive!” My prayer is that Jesus will live in each one of our little ones hearts and homes.
You can download the Jesus Film or view it on-line on their website. Click here.
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