The other day I was sharing with a children’s minister at a prominent church about our outreach programs and training seminars. I was surprised when his first question was, “How much is it going to cost?” I explained that our training fees are minimal and only to cover the cost of supplies. However my thought was, “What is the cost if we fail to reach out to this generation of children?”
Is there any better investment here on earth than in the souls of our boys and girls? What will happen to the majority of these children if we fail to invest now? Statistics tell us that after the age of 14 years old, only a few will come to know Christ as Savior. (See Barna Research.)
Will you pray about investing in the ministry of Wee Can Know to help us get out of the red? Our first quarter felt the economic woes and we need your investment today. We need 20 people who read this post to give $50. We were thrilled that our last email newsletter had 57% opens! Yet no one responded to the need to invest in the work. Please respond today. You can click here and it will take you to the North American Mission Board site, 100% of your gift will go to Wee Can Know. You can also send a check to Wee Can Know, PO Box 91184, Mobile, AL, 36691. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt.
Your gift will enable us to share the good news of Christ this summer with children and train adults for outreach this fall. The doors are wide open for ministry! Your investment will help reach children and families for Christ.
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