Our friend and partner in ministry, Lyn Oerting, called us 2.5 years ago and asked if we could help a lady she met at the Global Maritime Center in New Orleans (Global Maritime is a ministry to seafarers and maritime workers in port in New Orleans).
Gladys Burgos worked on a Carnival Cruise line as a coordinator for the kids club. She was nearing retirement and expressed a desire to serve the Lord through her gifts of children’s work and Spanish translation.

Gladys assists at our neighborhood Good News Club to complete TCE Level 1 requirements.
Lyn knew that her talents would benefit Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) and contacted CEF of Latin America and learned there was interest but Gladys would need CEF training. The first step was to complete the TCE® Level 1® course. Lyn contacted us and we made arrangements with Gladys to provide the TCE training each time her cruise ship would dock in New Orleans!
Now, 2.5 years later, she is serving full-time for CEF of Latin America and this week (August 4) is instructing in her very first TCE Level 1 course for Latin America that she actually helped translate!
Read Gladys brief and colorful newsletter by clicking here: Gladys Burgos Newsletter
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