One of our TCE Level 1 and Teaching Little Kids graduates, Monica Legendre, celebrated Thanksgiving by organizing a community wide Thanksgiving meal through her church, First Baptist Merrero. The Lord laid this on her heart and she stepped out in faith. She invited us to join and we knew our part was to provide Thanksgiving Gospel packets for the children and make ourselves available as the Lord saw fit to use us.
Phil assisted in kitchen and ministered folks, I shared the Gospel with children and parents, we provided free Bibles, we delivered meals to the homeless, and ended our day by assisting a homeless man.
We praise the Lord that two individuals trusted Christ as their Savior! Phil led a lady named Ann to the Lord and one of our TCE students, Marco Meza, led a man to Christ when he delivered a meal!
While the Thanksgiving meal did not go as Monica and the ministry team expected; the end result far exceeded their expectations!
- Jonathan assisted with six different jobs! Thanks Jonathan!
- Phil whips up potatoes for the big day!
- Marco helps with registration
- This is a two-man job!
- Decisions, decisions…
- Turkey anyone?
- See Phil and Debbie in background? Phil’s still mixing up those taters!
- Thank the Lord for the young men who assisted us!
- Pastor Ronnie leads in prayer.
- Children enjoy the meal!
- Can’t wait to dig in!
- Woe! That’s a lot of food!
- Monica and Joey bring meals to homeless after a long day!
- We delivered 46 meals to the homeless who gather outside the mission.
- Joey offering drink to homeless
- We shared 46 meals to the homeless outside of New Orleans Baptist Mission
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