Why Little Ones Need Jesus


(c) Child Evangelism Fellowship

(c) Child Evangelism Fellowship

Phil and I volunteer bi-weekly at Gentilly Baptist Church in New Orleans. We chose this church because of their outreach to the hurting children and families in the community. We know the hope Christ can bring to the darkest night … Perhaps you read in the paper about the tragic hit and run accident that killed a biker on Leon C. Simon Drive. The man driving the vehicle had three small children in his car. Those little children saw this accident and the turmoil that followed. How tragic for both families! The good news is that both families express faith in Christ to get them through this dark hour. The traumatized children attend bi-weekly classes at Gentilly Baptist church. When we ask a Bible related question, these children amaze us with their knowledge and understanding of the Bible. It’s our habit to take prayer request at the beginning of class. This past week the youngest child (age 3) asked prayer for her daddy, she said he was in jail. This little child knew her daddy needed God’s help and that she could pray for him. The oldest boy especially feels trauma by this event, we can reach out to him and his family in Christian love. We know that our job is not over once the class hour ends. WCK reaches out to the families with prayer, support, biblical counsel, resources, and encouragement.

The volunteers of WCK provide love, support, prayers, and resources for hurting children and families like this family. (While God doesn’t always take away the consequences in life, He does help us get through them and hurting people need God’s people reaching out to them with His love.) Today’s kids need Jesus because our children face heart-breaking situations and God promises He is a “present help in times of trouble” Psalm 46:1.

You can help us help little ones by giving a one-time gift on GiveNOLA day, Tuesday, May 3, 2016. Please mark your calendar and plan to give. One day to give as one! Click here to go to our profile page where you can make a one-time tax-deductible gift and help us win  cash prizes and reach our goal of at least $5,000.

About Debbie

Thank you for visiting WeeCanKnow.com we want to provide you with tools, resources, and inspiration for children's ministry. Please give us comments and feedback to let us know how we can better our site. Help us get the word out by liking, sharing, and pinning our blogs. We exist because: "It is not the will of our Father in heaven that one of these little ones should perish" Matthew 18:14.
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