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Los Símbolos de la Navidad

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The Meaning of the Christmas Decorations

The Meaning of the Christmas Decorations

You can download the script here:

If you would like a PDF of a booklet for a hand-out for children, I can email you a mini-booklet and full-size in full color and also a color page. Contact me at

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The Gospel Boo’s Show Up for the St Bernard Trunk or Treat

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Protected: Zoom Good News Club Kids Sing

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Thanksgiving Song

This is a fun little song set to the tune of I’ve been Working on the Railroad. It was suggested in a Child Evangelism Fellowship Thanksgiving lesson, I just can’t remember which one!

You can purchase CEFPress’s Thanksgiving lesson for 2021 by clicking here.

Here’s the Thanksgiving song:

Here are additional verses that go a long with I’ve Been Working on the Railroad song.

Praise Him in the morn,

Praise Him at noon,

Praise Him when the sun goes down!

Praise Him in the morn,

Praise Him at noon,

Praise Him all day long!

Note: This next verse to the tune of Someone’s in the Kitchen with Dinah

Someone’s in the church praying,

Someone’s in the church I know – ooo- ooo!

Someone’s in the church praying,

And playing the pi-an- o!!!!


Hal- le- lu- jah, Hallelujah, Hall-le-lu-u-u- jah

Someone’s in the church pray-ing,

Playing the pi-an-an-o!

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What is the Whole Duty of Mankind?

The last chapter of Ecclesiastes, chapter 12, Solomon directs his thoughts toward the youth. Solomon has come to the end of his days and describes the decline of life figuratively and humorously in verses 1-7.

As an old man, Solomon realizes where the true place is to find meaning in life. He intentionally makes an effort to encourage the young to seek God in their youth. In verse 11 and 12 he said, The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails—given by one shepherd (God).  Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them.

Solomon was emphasizing the value of God’s wisdom describing it as a goad (a pointed stick used to drive Sheep – to keep them on the right path). The nail represents the security and steadfastness of God’s Word. God’s Word is what can keep us on the right path and keep our life secure and steadfast. He encouraged his son to cling to God’s wisdom. Solomon described how he sought diligently to find the right words, to help his son, youth, and others understand the importance of following God’s path (vs. 9-10).

Are you a parent, grandparent, or teacher? You can follow Solomon’s wise example in Ecclesiastes and Proverbs and take every opportunity to teach younger generations the importance of following God. Also, to encourage them to follow God early in life!

So what is the whole duty of mankind? Read Ecclesiastes 12, then play the trivia game below and you will find the Solomon’s answer! (This is a fun way to teach youth God’s Word too! )

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A Paw-Paw, Granddaughter, and Dove

Photo (C) Child Evangelism Fellowship

I am not the grandparent in my story, but my grandparents were a huge part in my salvation. Neither of my parents actively followed Christ, but my grandparents taught me about Jesus at an early age and I would attend church with them from time to time.

When I was 8 years old, I went to a Vacation Bible School (VBS) at their church. After the VBS, I was at my grandparents’ home on the back porch/deck with my grandfather (Pawpaw). I don’t remember there being much of a conversation leading up to this, but I remember thinking my grandfather could help me accept Jesus into my heart. So, being the bossy granddaughter that I could be from time to time, I said, “Pawpaw, I want to ask Jesus into my heart and I want you to help me.”

He, obviously surprised and happy, gladly led me in prayer to accept Jesus that day and always talked about a dove landing on the deck right after the prayer that he felt was a “sign” from God that He had a special plan for my life. Both my grandparents told that story many times.

Both of my grandparents were firm believers and LOVED studying the Bible and worshipping (my grandfather played guitar and sang, my grandmother would harmonize with him). I learned the value in studying God’s Word through both of them, the patience and love Christ gives through both of them. I still cherish the Bibles my grandmother gave me or I gained after her passing that has notes all over almost every page.

I am so thankful for my grandparents and their influence in my life.

Note: The grandparents were right too! This “bossy” granddaughter is now serving on the mission field!

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Grandma Seewer

Grandpa & Grandma Seewer

Grandma Seewer lived with us occasionally. I have only good memories about her and some that have stood out in my mind over the years. One special memory is seeing her kneel beside her bed at night and silently say her prayers. If she knew I was awake and watching her, she never let on.

After she passed, the family found a letter she wrote to her children and grandchildren included with her will. My mother saved the letter and my grandmother’s faith in Christ shines through.

Here is a portion of what she wrote:

If it were not for my belief in God I don’t think I could have carried on after Our Heavenly Father called your Father home.

Jesus said, “Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give your rest.

And for all who ask it shall be freely given, He who knocks at the heavenly door, they shall be opened unto them.”

Also, remember John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

and “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1

I am praying that I can so live that someday I can meet your father in heaven. Also, I am praying that the circle will not be broken up there.

God, through Christ Jesus, has give us so many good lessons if we only read our bibles and believe.”

Good bye now. May God bless you all – Love – Mother.

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The Challenge of Reaching the THIS Generation for Christ

Pastor Dennis Watson of Celebration Church, New Orleans, shared this message regarding results of a recent Probe Survey regarding religious views and practices in 2020.

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